Hi Montag 04 Februar 2002 8:26 nachmittags, [SLE] Erattic mouse movement in SuSE7.3 Professional, Dwargoth Trollslayer:
I bought myself SuSE 7.3 Professional. I love it, but I have a small problem. I have a Microsoft Intellieye optical mouse. It is an USB mouse, but you get a PS/2 adapter with it.
Ok now for my problems.
1. If I use the mouse as an USB mouse it works perfectly (I.E. no erattic movement). The only problem is that the mouse 'dies' on me after some time (this can be anything from 1 minute into X or 10 hours). I have no idea on how to reactivate the mouse on the USB port, and thus have to reboot my machine.
first check this: http://sdb.suse.de/en/sdb/html/uhci_73.html 2nd: have you already tried the noapic option? Are here messages in /var/log/messages after this issue?
2. When I use the mouse on the PS/2 port, I just cannot get it to move correctly. It jumps to the corners of the screen and runs commands by it self. I must have configured XF86Config about 100 times with differe protocols and device settings etc.
This sounds for me that the mouse is using the wrong protocol. Check again what you have configured, use "normal" ps2 settings, instead of the protocol, use imps2 (if the mouse have a wheel) If this wont help, the output of hwinfo --mouse and your XF86Config would maybe help ... quick console mousecheck (ps2 port): gpm -k gpm -m /dev/psaux -t imps2 or gpm -k gpm -m /dev/psaux -t ps2 if it work, you see a cursor when moving the mouse. -- cu Martin malasa@gmx.de --- http://freshmeat.net/projects/pin/