On Friday 28 November 2003 00:33, BandiPat wrote:
On Thursday 27 November 2003 06:08 pm, Jaan Kold wrote:
Hi all,
Anyone upgraded to the Suse -144 kernel update with ATI Radeon 3D problems? Got a ATI R350 NH (R9800)........Hercules branded
1) The stock -99 kernel caused ~40% kernel system calls in my hyperthreading P4 3GHz CPU, sluggish operation, and fglrx would not load.
2) I fixed this with Mantel's -121 'test' kernel, which also was an enabler for ATI fglrx 3.2.8 3D driver to kick in properly: glxgears gave ~4300fps (Do have mtrr boot error messages related to the gfx card but hey..it works..)
3) Took now down the -144 kernel off Suse YOU, reinstalled [Suses repackaged] fglrx 3.2.8 driver, just as before, indeed lsmod shows fglrx module loaded but: glxgears now shows only ~370fps
QUESTION: I may not have succeeded or understood how to install ASWELL kernel sources for my machine after I did install the -144 kernel update? I was assuming it did automatically? .in the /usr/src/linux/ directory?
For good measure a screen shot of the links in my source directory: http://www.bostreammail.com/kalev/kernelsource.png
..I can test and roll back to the -121 kernel from Mantel -- but I just thought I should check here too?..and check that indeed there was no added step to install the -144 source..
First of all, you are using all the wrong programs to set your graphics and all the wrong programs to check your 3D.
Wel I should have been more clear: I'm using Suse repackaged 3.2.8 fglrx module and have successfully installed it I think four times on the -122 kernel already...its pretty simple the README tells you how. I was just nervous about understanding that kernel sources are "done right" in my /usr/ src directory...I *think* it is now..
My guess is that you could remove the ATI driver now and use just that stuff that comes with SuSE 9.0!
Well, the CD came with beta 3.2.7 drivers but Suse has had 3.2.8 (ATIs latest) on the website repackaged and ready to go: http://www.suse.de/en/private/download/xfree86/index.html .done this install a couple of times now...I keep testing settings and brake my XF86Config once in while..I know its works..this is not something that fazes me..
If you use the ATI drivers, you can't use sax2, you can't use agpgart and your config file will no longer be XF86Config. You have to use the setup program included with the ATI driver. Use sax2 and all or any work you might have accomplished will be for null.
Im not so sure I agree fully here.............. -- Sax2 works fine, fire it up with proper parameters -- and just edit the XF86Config by hand afterwards.. -- I know that agpgart is not loaded..(easy check with lsmod) -- Config file generated is XF86Config per Suse's way, if you use ATI config tool..which I don't..yes, they/ATI do generate a XF86Config-4 file..this becomes clear when you follow Suse's instrsuctions..and you've tinkered with ATIs installer (past experience) If there are some key mode/options that a XF86Config-4 file ATI generates, that Suses file is missing I'd like to know what they are since then the Suse README file for installing the 3.2.8 driver is pretty useless (ie needs fixing) -- but it has worked great.. until now this this -144 kernel update in my case..
If I were you, I think I would rpm -e the ATI driver from the system. Do CTRL-ALT-F1 to get to the terminal, log in as root, init 3 and then do sax2 -r -m 0=radeon to start the normal graphics setup. See if your 350 is supported in the list and set your 3d, etc. to get things working. If your card is not listed, then you can move to the ATI driver.
Well, I sure as heck don't want the radeon module...fglrx is the right module, (assuming I don't have a problem with proprietary code) for this board..but I'll drop to the -121 kernel again (tomorrow..that is to test)
If you do have to use the ATI driver, then use the appropriate programs to set it up and get it working. Be sure also that your system is not trying to load the agpgart module as ATI supplies one of it's own.
Well, yeah, already know that....but I sort of disagree with that that Sax2 wont do the work..it works fine.just force it to force-load the fglrx module and firegl profile on startup (ei start it with the command options as you meation). Only that it isn't able to kick in 3D....you do that very easily by manually adding "dri " in the config file...You know this too.. Right now I'm convinced that I did do it right, and that -144 kernel is screwed for my scenario..but I'll most definately admit I'm just a dense user..not a hacker.. Best, jk -- Suse Linux 9.0 | 2.4.21-144-smp4G | KDE 3.1.4 | XFree86 v4.3.0.1