23 May
23 May
houghi wrote:
On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 03:35:38PM +0800, kengheng wrote:
<snip> Do not take this as a flame. It is intend to get you the best support for now and in the future.
I have still a problem about the use if this list. What must we do when we suspect a bug? the suse-linux-e list don't seems to be the better place to speak of this. I see it most as a helper for day to day use problems. Factory is for the unstable one. and for stable? it is said this list is for the community, but the main community goal is bugfixing... jdd -- http://www.dodin.net http://dodin.org/galerie_photo_web/expo/index.html http://lucien.dodin.net http://fr.susewiki.org/index.php?title=Gérer_ses_photos