Hi all, I'm trying to undersand how udev and configuration of network interfaces work together. I read a few articles explaining how udev works, how to define rules, ... but, having a look at for instance a SuSe 9.3 configuration, there are two things that are not clear to me: 1 - I understand that they are udev rules defining the naming convention used to create something like ifcfg-eth-id-00:12:79:d5:9e:25 in /etc/sysconfig/network/ but I don't really understand how this file is "connected" to, for instance, eth0. It was my understanding that rules placed in /etc/udev/rules.d would have made the trick but I had a look there and see nothing related to eth0. Where/how is it define that what you see with an ifconfig corresponds to what is written in ifcfg-eth-id-00:12:79:d5:9e:25? 2 - I was my understanding that the use of udev would have allowed a really "slim" /dev folder but when I look at /dev, I still see the hundred of devices I used to see on kernel 2.4 - based distribution?? I've no problem, just curiosity but any hint/explanation would be appreciated :-) Regards, Gaël