On 09.05.2022 14:50, cagsm wrote:
I do not see any UEFI support in memtest86+ v5.x. UEFI boot seems to be supported in PCMemTest which is not included in openSUSE (and it has different features even if it is based on memtest86+). v6 has just appeared several days ago and you have seen warning on their page.
I think I read somwhere about people booting that 5.0x memtest86+ at least in some ways even on modern machines. gentoo linux speaks about uefi and memtest86+ 5.x and beyond. <https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Memtest86%2B>
and later they provide link to the documentation for memtset86 which is entirely different software. I suspect someone just mixed up these versions.
was wondering what the state of memtest86+ was with opensuse.
It includes the latest available version 5.31b. I assume once v6.x is stabilized openSUSE package will be updated.