I expect a new DELL DeskTop computer to get here at the lab any moment. It will come with Windows installed by defaul. I was adviced to have a dual- boot system. SInce my home computer is now networked... it should be possible to have a mount point either here at the lab or at home so as I can access the same files from here as well as from home.... hopefully The s/w administrator told me I'll have to install VPN client on my home computer and VPN server on my office computer ...???? I guess VPN is downloadable from some web site and .. how shall I install it ? Does it needs special rights ??? How does it work ? Would a CVS system be the best choice instead ??? Ideally I'd like to launch NEDIT from home to edit a file residing on the lab computer disk and lauch GVD to debug a program being run at the lab while at home and viceversa ... Is VPN giving me all these options ???? May I start installing VPN on my home computer tonight or shall I wait for having VPN server here at the lab ? Thank you to anyone who helps. Maura