Op Wednesday 17 December 2003 00:36, schreef Blake Stovall:
On Dec 16, 2003, at 5:19 PM, Leendert Meyer wrote:
Op Tuesday 16 December 2003 21:38, schreef u:
No DHCP leases. /log/messages shows
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval ** (Different numbers)
Ok, seems good.
Has that message listed several times (runs every 10 seconds or so) then it reports:
No DHCPOFFERS received.
Aha. That's not good. See below!
And: how many network cards do you hae installed? If it's more than 1, then be sure you have the right one plugged! ;)
I went in to the config tool, turned the firewall on, then turned it off again to make sure it was off. Only one nic in there...
Ok. In another thread you said you connect with a Mac. So at least that works.
Some cable-modems lock the possibillity to obtain a dhcp-offer to 1 mac-address. I had this problem when trying to connect with my linux-router after testing the new installation with a wintendo box. Try powering down the cable modem for a couple of minutes and then try connecting with your linux-box.
Greets, Erland.
I found this out while in the USA, I had to power off my brother's cable modem each time I plugged into his Windows box or my Linux laptop in order to get dhcp to work. At home in the UK, I have a firewall machine, an old Cyrix M200/16M/floppy/2 NIC's and 1M video card (not really needed) using the BBIagent floppy and network web access to it from any browser. It's several times larger than a shiny router box offering the same functions and cost zero, it also tucks away under the desk and out of the way. Regards Sid. -- Sid Boyce .... Hamradio G3VBV and keen Flyer Linux Only Shop.