-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Friday, 2013-06-28 at 20:38 +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
I could, then, create a directory under "/run", and mount-bind "/media" to it. Or create an entire new tmpfs.
eleanor3:~ # cat /etc/systemd/system/media.mount #CER - create a /media directory bind-mounted to /var/run/media # /var/run/media is created as directory in /etc/tmpfiles.d/media.conf [Unit] Description=Runtime Directory Before=local-fs.target # skip mounting if the directory does not exist or is a symlink ConditionPathIsDirectory=/var/run/media ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=!/var/run/media [Mount] What=/media Where=/var/run/media Type=bind Options=bind eleanor3:~ # cat /etc/tmpfiles.d/media.conf #CER, 2013-5-5 #Create /var/run/media directory, which is going to be used as a bind point for /media # in /etc/systemd/system/media.mount d /var/run/media 0755 root root 10d # /etc/init.d/boot.localfs tenía esto: # mount -n -t tmpfs -o mode=0755,nodev,nosuid tmpfs /media eleanor3:~ # The "/var/run/media" is created at boot, but /media is not bind-mounted to it. I did something wrong. eleanor3:~ # systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/media.mount The unit files have no [Install] section. They are not meant to be enabled using systemctl. Possible reasons for having this kind of units are: 1) A unit may be statically enabled by being symlinked from another unit's .wants/ or .requires/ directory. 2) A unit's purpose may be to act as a helper for some other unit which has a requirement dependency on it. 3) A unit may be started when needed via activation (socket, path, timer, D-Bus, udev, scripted systemctl call, ...). eleanor3:~ # It is not that way... or I have to add a "after" something clause. :-? - -- Cheers, Carlos E. R. (from 12.3 x86_64 "Dartmouth" at Telcontar) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAlHN4G0ACgkQtTMYHG2NR9WkIgCfdXP0l0lY0eRtFEpLjDeq04x8 PYYAn1fRya1fjKQ59iHEAjcQMWJEU+SQ =k9KC -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----