23 Jan
23 Jan
On Saturday 24 January 2004 00:20, Jose Manuel Lara Bauche Alcalde wrote:
I updated 8.2 to 9.0 and now when I run YOU, system information says:
Product: SuSE Linux Version: 8.2 Base Architecture: i386
I'm afrid YOU will try to get 8.2 patches instead of 9.0.
If let YOU check for new updates and accept them, I get Error: Signature check failed for every patch it tries to download.
How can I correct this?
Edit /var/adm/YaST/ProdDB/prod_0000001 and change Product data to SuSE Linux-9.0- SuSE-Linux-Professional-i386-9.0-0 and YouPath to i386/update/9.0 I *think* (AFAICR at least) that's all you need to change