Op maandag 17 juli 2023 22:47:32 CEST schreef joe a:
On 7/17/2023 4:30 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
Nevertheless, there is something the cameras want from the laptop, and if the laptop is not present, they stall.
You could use "ethereal" or "tcdump" to log the connection of one camera to the laptop when you boot that camera.
I've not read each and every post, but I suspect the cameras will turn out to be set to obtain address via DHCP, the LAPTOP is enabled to provide DHCP (as server) and the PC is not.
So the mystery is solved. When you make the camera to use a static address and don't forget, in that case, to provide a gateway address and netmask, your camera will be independent of the laptop and the reboot will succeed. Maybe the gateway address is not even necessary, but the netmask is crucial to be able to communicate with your laptop or PC, provided these systems have address in the same network with the same netmask. -- fr.gr. member openSUSE Freek de Kruijf