Guys. I have about twenty boxes I need to back up. I been told that cpio is go to do that, I currently use tar but by directory by directory casee, but I am having problems finding a good example of a back up script. I am looking to make a cpio image of the whole box. Lucky we have a SAN with storage that will be able to hold the back up. So far I have come up with this, but I don't think it best. What I like to ask the group is does anyone have a nice back up script that can share with me, or can you expand on my script. One more question can you do exclude with cpio like tar? I am hoping this simple script can get what I want. ------------------Being Script---------------------------- #!/bin/sh # functions to call on remotedir () { mount /backup } uremotedit () { umount /backup } # Vars for the host=`hostname -f` # this is because the cron runs nightly at midnight we want the day before dat=`date +%m%d%G -d "1 day ago"` dat2=`date +%m-%d-%G` # The meat of the back up remotedir if [ -d == `/backup/ ] then find -d . -print | cpio -ova > /backup/$host.$dat.cpio else logger "System back up failed on $dat2, backup drive didn't mount" fi uremotedir ------------------End Script------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux. ----------------------------------------- openSUSE -- openSUSE Ambassador openSUSE Member skype -- terrorpup twitter -- terrorpup friendfeed -- Come join me at the Atlanta Linux Fest, September 19th, 2009 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: