-----Original Message----- From: Gracia M. Littauer [mailto:gracia@yadtel.net] Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 1:59 PM
was away for a week, went to NY Times site today & none of the links to articles work in Konqueror...they work in Netscape so I assume the Times has done something Konqueror doesn't like. Anyone else have this problem?
I'm not at home with my Konq at the moment, but is there a setting anywhere in Konq for "presents as" or "pretends to be" "emulates" where you get to decide if the browser will masquerade as IE5.x or Netscrape x.y, or whatever? I had similar problems with earlier versions of Opera, in that it was not properly identifying as a good IE when some site wanted IE5.something. Also, I got vaguely similar problems after changing my domestic hub/router, which turned out to be an issue with MTU (or packet-size) settings in a D-Link or LinkSys router. I could view the main pages of most sites, but was turned away from many of the inside pages with either odd messages or just timeouts. When I adjusted the MTU setting, all sites and pages became available again (with no change to my browser), but then my employer's VPN became untouchable. So, I now switch settings frequently, but it works. ...... and that just exhausted the limits of my thinking on the subject. Cheers, /kevin