On Monday, 4 October 2004 16.08, Martin Love wrote:
Attached to the hub that is connected to the DMZ port of the SonicWall is a Cobalt Qube. This Qube acts as our MTA using sendmail-8.9.2. This then in turn forwards the emails onto our Lotus Notes server, which we use for email and also our project management databases. <snip> Additional Info.
193.121.???.??? qube.domain.net IP Addr. and Name of Qube
My Email Add martin.love@domain.com
I haven’t made a typo. It is meant to be as above.
We should be able to relay these domains etc:
Local network Domain.com Domain.net
Aside from the essential documentation regarding postfix that you should read (in /usr/share/doc/packages/postfix/) you should be able to get your setup working quickly using the relay_domains variable in /etc/postfix/main.cf and the transport table. Assuming you have your Domino server using regular smtp connections, that's pretty much all you need for a basic setup. If you want to force users to send mail through your Domino server, put its IP in the mynetworks variable in main.cf, otherwise put your whole internal subnet in there. The comments in /etc/postfix/main.cf and /etc/postfix/transport are very descriptive, so have a look at them as well.