28 Aug
28 Aug
Devs, Not sure if packman is just out of bandwidth or what the issue is, but TW updates take forever, e.g. Retrieving: librist4-0.2.7-1699.1.pm.25.x86_64.rpm ....................................<86%>=======[| (16.0 KiB/s)] That is 1/2 of what a 33.6 dial-up modem will do over an old land-line. (it used to take Friday - Sunday to download SUSE over a modem - and pray a disconnect didn't occur :) Are there any additional resources that may help this situation? I think it is pulling from gwdg.de, but even then the pipe should be bigger than 16.0 KiB/s. Ideas? -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.