Carlos, et al -- ...and then Carlos E. R. said... % % On 24/03/2021 14.09, David T-G wrote: ... % > % >More to the point, I have not yet seen an error which would actually % >cause a login to fail and leave me not at a shell prompt. % % I have. Once again, I honestly would very much love to see a detailed and reproducible example of such a failure. % % More than once on these mails lists or other places. I do not % remember particulars, but the most typical one is a missing /home % mount, full home, read-only home, etc. Me myself, too, no more than % a year ago. [snip] I've experienced all of those and happily been able to get to a shell prompt. Yeah, I might not have my favorite alias or my ssh keys, but I'm logged in; the shell doesn't care. The only thing I can possibly imagine, shooting from the hip, is adding something like exec /bin/false or such to *change* the shell to another program that doesn't end up at a prompt (hmmm... /bin/true might be just as bad). That wouldn't be masked by test ... && source ... || true anyway, though; it would just exit. So, no, I'm still not convinced. I really am interested, though. Surely some current and practicing SA can point to a real failure scenario that I could duplicate for fun and to perhaps be convinced. Anyone? Bueller? HANN :-D -- David T-G See See