Op dinsdag 14 september 2021 09:17:16 CEST schreef Douglas McGarrett:
On 9/14/21 1:31 AM, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
On 2021-09-13 9:49 p.m., Douglas McGarrett wrote:
On 9/13/21 11:12 PM, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
On 2021-09-13 8:57 p.m., Douglas McGarrett wrote:
linux1:~ # zypper install imagescan-bundle-opensuse-15.2-3.65.0.x64.rpm Specified local path does not exist or is not accessible.
You're in the home directory of the root account. Is that where you downloaded the file?
The directory is /home/doug/Downloads. That's where all downloaded files go. Normally can be installed from there.
Then that is the directory where you should be, to run those commands giving just a filename.
As you typed them, both zypper and rpm assume the file exists in the current directory. Either change to that directory, or specify the full path/filename on the commandline.
Yes, I was in that directory. Apparently the software is installed, as per the previous emails. There is an icon on the screen (KDE) "XSane Scanner Tool" which should start the scanner. It does not, as yet. It cannot find the scanner.
Is it powered on and how is it connected? -- fr.gr. member openSUSE Freek de Kruijf