Hello, everyone. I finally found some free time to try and add 3D acceleration to one of my SuSE7 boxes. My problem is that compiling from the Nvidia SRC RPM doesn't work out quite right. Here are the details: Machine: Dual Pentium-233MMX Tyan S1564D Mobo 192MB RAM Diamond Viper V550 PCI (this is a 16MB TNT board) Others: 3C905B, AWE64, 12GB IDE Drive, 32X IDE CDROM I have already installed the latest XFree86 4.0.2 from the SuSE ftp site, and that is working just great, so no problems there. I also downloaded the latest 0.9.6 Nvidia driver as .src.rpm files, since I am running kernel 2.2.16-SMP, and Nvidia don't have a binary RPM for that yet. Installing the src.rpm worked just fine. Then compiling the source to a binary rpm worked as per the instructions on the Nvidia site. Now we hit the problem; when I try to add the driver, insmod fails because the driver was compiled for kernel 2.2.16, not 2.2.16-SMP. Why is it that my compiler thinks I am running a different kernel to that which I am actually running ? How do I persuade the compiler to compile the module for the correct kernel ? Hope someone out there can help. Bye for now, Stuart.