I have tried numerous times to configure my Hauppauge PVR 350 with no success. The card is detected when I scan for channels, it says no channels found. I know the card is working fine because I dual boot with Windows and it works fine. I had the same problem in SuSE 9.3 and SuSE 10.0. Currently, I'm running SuSE 10.0 eval from a fresh install. I'm in Canada and I beleive we use NTSC here just like USA.The closest options available when scanning for channels in YAST is NTSC us-cable and I get the following: v4l2: open /dev/video0: No such file or directory v4l: open /dev/video0: No such file or directory Number of TV Stations Found: 0 Anyone knows why it's not working or how to configure it? Perhaps it's a Canada specific issue? -- Hani