Michael, As I understand this, the libc.so.6 etc., are used in another (popular) distribution. I must confess I don't understand exactly what these lib?.so.? files do for you. I know that messing with them can have fatal consequences on any Unix box. I also know that I have had to upgrade them at times to get newer software to work. What the heck are lib?.so.? ? Can you give me a brief rundown on what these do? I guess I cannot use the glibc2 files on S.u.S.E? Can you point me to a good source (FAQ) on these issues? TIA, Steve Michael Lankton wrote:
Steven T. Hatton wrote:
I attempted to install the latest version of wine using xrpm and received a few errors:
Wine failed dependancies: ld-linux.so.2 libc.so.6 libm.so.6
libc.so.6 and libm.so.6 are glibc2, wrong dist :)
-- ==================================================================== Michael Lankton <A HREF="http://tasteslikechicken.ml.org"><A HREF="http://tasteslikechicken.ml.org</A">http://tasteslikechicken.ml.org</A</A>> ==================================================================== - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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