13.01.2018 00:33, Carlos E. R. пишет:
On Friday, 2018-01-12 at 06:46 +0300, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
12.01.2018 02:21, Carlos E. R. пишет:
This is the configuration: <http://susepaste.org/56779419>
You can try enable ULA or add static prefix just to see whether other hosts will pick it up for IPv6 auto-configuration.
I have no idea what to set on my router page to do that.
It has checkbox "Enable ULA Prefix Advertisement" ... and it has table with column heading "Static Prefix" and "Add" button ... and you are sitting before this box and can experiment.
I configured the wlan interface of my little home server to automatic configuration on IPv6 only (dhcp6). I also wrote in the router:
LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address Configuration ( ) EUI-64 (*) User Setting Interface Identifier: [0:0:0:1]
That looks like router own interface IPv6 address.
(see photo of router at susepaste)
But I get nothing on that wlan0 when restarted. I gather I must fill this field:
Static LAN IPv6 Address Configuration Interface Address (prefix length is required): [______]
Which again looks like router own interface IPv6 address.
I wrote there "fc00::/64", applied, and restarted network on machine. Still, no go:
... You did not change anything related to client configuration, why you expect any change on client?