There is no reason you could not use a separate power supply for the extra drives, BUT you do not achieve any redundancy if you do that. If you need redundancy, you need a more robust design. Surely there are network design power supplies, etc., to solve your problam--it cannot be unique. If you cannot figure this out from catalog components, I think you need a local PC engineer to figure this out. It is not going to be easy over the 'net. Good luck to you. --wa2say At 12:08 12/07/2002 -0800, Alex Daniloff wrote:
Hello SuSE folkz, I've assembled a new dual AMD SuSE8.1 Linux DB and web server. It has to work reliably 24X7. Unfortunately, its 460W Extended ATX PS has not enough fan out current to power motherboard, 20 fans and 16 SCSI hard drives at once. Is it possible to add another regular ATX 400W PS to power just hard drives on this system? I can ground both PS housings together with an additional wire. Or I stack to buy a new dual redundant PS? Could somebody please give me a practical advise on this matter.
Many thanks in advance. Alex
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