On July 1, 2001 12:24 am, Timothy R.Butler wrote:
posts a week or two a go, let me mention that the new LinuX-Talk mailing list is located at lx-talk@big7.net . Hopefully, any and all who enjoyed OT posts will sign up (including "lurkers") so that we can leave those who can _only_ talk specifically about SuSE technical issues to their discussions. I suspect they will eventually realize that even they miss this stuff that made SLE so lively.
What will likely happen is sooner or later people will start posting the exact same stuff that has always been posted. So instead of having it posted to one mailing list it will be going to two. Spliting a list in two rarely splits the volume. I'll bet within three months the total amount of messages will be higher then before. At least until somebody complains about the OT posts and the volume spikes again. Somebody really should ban complaints about OT posts they waste too much bandwidth. Nick