20 Jan
20 Jan
Hi Alex: Octave is pretty good. I don't know if it does all the things you ask but you can write scripts for it. The GNUplot that works with it is very good. Both GNUPlot and Xgfe (a GUI frontend for GNUplot are on the SuSE 7.0 Professional CD's) It's best to get Octave and compile it. You can obtain the tar.gz package from here: http://www.octave.org/. The GNUplot and Xgfe URL's are : http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/gnuplot/gnuplot.html http://home.flash.net/~dmishee/xgfe/xgfe.html Also Scilab is pretty good. It is on the 7.0 CD's. On Saturday 20 January 2001 12:29, you wrote:
Hello Linux folkz, Does somebody know any good statistical software for Linux that allows to
-- Cheers, Jonathan