Patrick, On Saturday 22 January 2005 12:32, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Randall R Schulz <rschulz@sonic.net> [01-22-05 15:27]:
What does 'rpm -q mozilla' yeald on your box?
That's irrelevant to what I reported, since the Mozilla I run is not from an RPM. I run a Mozilla that I get from the Mozilla.org site (note the location of the binary) so I can stay up-to-date.
% rpm -q mozilla mozilla-1.6-74.14
If not from an rpm ??? Did you build from source to rpm??
The Mozilla I run, the one about which I reported first, is simply from a TAR file, manually installed. As I said, I got it from the Mozilla.org download area. The 1.6-74.14 about which I reported next is from the SuSE 9.1 installation (or updated later by YOU--I don't know 'cause it's not really relevant to me).
The packaged binary is a stand-alone, static entity.
Packaged by whom? Obtained where?
mozilla-1.7.5-1 mozilla-calendar-1.7.5-1 MozillaFirefox-1.0-3
The Firefox 1.0 I have (also manually isntalled from a TAR file) is also dynamically linked.
-- Patrick Shanahan
Randall Schulz