I was using LXDM to login to xfce and raised this issue on the xfce mailing list, but it turned out not to be a desktop issue. See this thread: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-xfce/2013-03/msg00012.html
There's a couple of bug reports I linked to in that thread, but there's no fix and no action on them for some months.
As a consequence, I recently just tried changing to LightDM and I can logout/login okay. I was using LXDM previously because it had working language selection, but that has now been fixed in LightDM too.
Peter, thankyou for your help. Indeed I installed LightDM yesterday and switched to that - it worked first time. Ps. you don;t need to magic keys reboot when this happens - CTRL-ALT F1 and log in, Then either service xdm stop then start or init 3/init 5 The frustrating this is that LXDM comes up and works fine when you start xdm. Come on LXDE guys - I really like the look of LXDM and it would do a good job. The contents of this email are confidential and for the exclusive use of the intended recipient. If you receive this email in error you should not copy it, retransmit it, use it or disclose its contents but should return it to the sender immediately and delete your copy. N�����r��y隊Z)z{.�ﮞ˛���m�)z{.��+�:�{Zr�az�'z��j)h���Ǿ� ޮ�^�ˬz��