The easiest solution is to download the RH 6.1 RPM's from their need these 3 for it to work...and work it does. :) libjpeg-6b-9.i386.rpm libjpeg-devel-6b-9.i386.rpm libjpeg6a-6a-4.i386.rpm I installed these a week ago..and it has broken nothing and every problem I was having was solved... just my 0.02 "Robert E. Moon" wrote:
I've run into the problem as well. My [lazy] solution until I get the time to do something else about it was to rpm --nodeps and then symlink> -- So far, the rpms work and nothing seems to have broken. But, if you've extracted into the proper directory, just try installing the rpms with the nodeps switch. There's a good possibility that the necessary libraries will be found when the program executes.
A better solution might be to compile from source...but of course this doesn't always work either. Has anyone successfully compiled Kover 0.4 on SuSE 6.3 and/or FreeBSD? Please let me know how you did it: I can't get it to compile on either one.
-- Ben Rosenberg SuSE Linux 6.3 (2.2.14) ICQ UIN:49268667 ------------------------------------------------------------ " Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom " --Gen. George Patton -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at