From: "Ken Schneider" <>
On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 14:33 +0100, Paul Gardiner wrote:
Hi, My /var/log/mail file is full of imap messages, which is about the one thing in there that I'm not interested in. How can I tell syslog to ignore them. Apparently changing the config of the imap server requires a recompile which I'd like to avoid.
Don't know about the config but you can delete the imap entries from your current messages file by doing:
cd /var/log;cat messages|grep -v imap>tmp;mv tmp messages;rcsyslog reload
The "-v" tells grep to ignore any lines that have imap in it, use the string that is appropriate for you. I use this occasionally to reduce the size of my messages file.
Ta, but I really wanted to stop them going in at all. I do similar to what you suggest when monitoring, with the line tail -f /var/log/mail | sed -e '/imapd/d' Cheers, Paul.