Jos van Kan wrote:
Op woensdag 29 december 2004 20:13, schreef Joaquin Menchaca: (snip)
Anyhow, combine with that and and users reporting problems, SuSE doesn't seem like a viable platform at this stage, or at least one cannot find out... :-)
If on the basis of the for free available evidence that is your considered opinion, I'm curious for what magazine(s) you write your evaluation. I'd put those on my "TO AVOID" list then.
Best regards,
If I was with a magazine, they have a budget for these purchases, but then many times companies shower them with free stuff, in hopes to get their product reviewed. And if I were a paid reviewer, I would paint a rosy picture and omit any critique (even if positive criticism with viable solutions/workarounds/updates), assuming Novell/SuSE is paying for adverts, which might be typical of American magazines. However, I would like to get at the product to that I can (1) professionally recommend it to clients that are considering to migrate toa Linux platform, and (2) recommend it as a platform for training students at the local community colleges. They are going with RedHat, but I could have some clout to get them to migrate to SuSE. However, if I cannot get the product, I cannot evaluate it, if I cannot evaluate it, I cannot recommend it. I would like to offer alteratives to the staple Red Hat. Now, you can bash and burn newcomers for voicing criticisms against your beloved cherished distro of choice, but then this doesn't address the problem, nor does it attract people to the SuSE platform. Best regards.