On Wednesday 30 April 2003 12:36, Gerrit Jan Eldering wrote:
Found it! It's the update off QT3 from 3.1.1-62 to 3.1.2-21 That is the problem with yast2 and the cancel option that is hanging. Going back to QT3 3.1.1-62 solves the problem.
Gerrit Now you have solved my problem. I have been using apt-get and have done an apt-get upgrade. It was after that I had the problem. For various reasons I reinstaled 8.2 and apt, but this time I have only used synaptic to update packages that I've had trouble with and not done a full upgrade. After reading your first post I fired up Synaptic and found that I still had the ealier qt package. A quick mess with yast2 now and I can get to the bandon all changes box and it now works. Lessons : apt will take care of dependencies but will not guarantee the effects of installing them. ie if one of the packages breaks things you won't know until afterwards. Which is the problem with the SuSE apt, ie who checks the packages ? In Debian as I understand it you can choose stable, unstable, testing etc. moral : be very careful using SuSE apt. Thanks for your help. Mike