On 5/1/2023 2:45 PM, joe a wrote:
On 5/1/2023 2:23 PM, joe a wrote:
On 5/1/2023 2:01 PM, joe a wrote:
On 5/1/2023 1:32 PM, Lew Wolfgang wrote:
On 5/1/23 10:07, joe a wrote:. .
I'll take a close look at OSS ZoneMinder.
. . .
Anyone know where current packaged downloads are for Zoneminder?
This one does not work any longer: https://www.liquid-co.de/pub/suse/repositories/15.2/
I tried https://www.liquid-co.de/pub/suse/repositories/15.4/ as well.
https://www.liquid-co.de produces an apparent Corporate page, so I suspect that they objected to non Corp hosting?
I've posted on zoneminder forum as well.
While I'm waiting for a POE switch to come in, a few questions. My initial go at this will involve a VM, which I anticipate will prove unsatisfactory as to performance once 4-5 IP cameras are installed. Anyone using ZoneMinder here finding VM to be adequate? I know this cannot be an absolute thing. Next thought is a Raspberry Pi 4b, 4 GB or 8 GB. On which I have never attempted to install LEAP. Thoughts on that as well?