11 Sep
11 Sep
I was wondering if anyone was using the Firebird builds from http://pryan.org/phoenix/hendikins/. I installed Blackdown java from the Suse cd and created a symlink from /usr/lib/BlackdownJava2/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so to my ~/.phoenix/plugins directory and java will still not load. I am also having the same problems with the mplayer plugin from http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/. I have installed the codecs, built mplayer, the plugin and copied the plugin to ~/phoenix/plugins directory but still no go. The only plugin that has worked is the crossover shockwave player. If anyone could help me with this, it would be much appreciated. Suse 8.2 kernel 2.4.20-4GB