On 02/12/2003 08:02 AM, David Johanson wrote:
I've installed mozilla 1.1a and like it a lot but I'm experiencing two strange things:
1)after I've typed abuot 5 inches of material, the editor stops word wraping and just continues on as a never ending line. A couple <cr>s and word wrap is back as it should be.
I haven't got a clue on that one.
In the mail folders column, I'm getting a folder called cashe with about 50+ memory address subfolders each time I boot it, as well as a series of duplicate folders 9one for each mail folder) all with the extension of .msf.
Can anyone tell me what is happening and how to fix it.
IIANM, this happens when you use a 'not allowed' symbol, like a ',' in a folder name. It makes the folder with the name with a comma, and a 'legal' name it actually uses. Space is legal, comma isn't, IIRC. HTH. -- Joe Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Joe_Morris@ntm.org Web Address: http://www.mydestiny.net/~joe_morris Registered Linux user 231871 God said, I AM that I AM. I say, by the grace of God, I am what I am.