I am trying to change which server is used by xntp to get time. in my /etc/ntp.conf I have changed the following lines: ## ## Outside source of synchronized time ## ## server xx.xx.xx.xx # IP address of server server ntp-uh.usno.navy.mil TO: ## ## Outside source of synchronized time ## ## server xx.xx.xx.xx # IP address of server server now.cis.okstate.edu BUT, when I try to do a restart on xntp it is still trying to use the old server: # ./xntpd stop Shutting network time protocol daemon (NTPD) done # ./xntpd start Try to get initial date and time via NTP from ntp-uh.usno.navy.milError : Name or service not known failed Starting network time protocol daemon (NTPD) done Anyone know how to make this use the new server for time/date lookup???? BTW, I have also tried with the I.P. address of the new server and that doesn't work either. Thanks, Darrell