9 Jun
9 Jun
written by Lew Wolfgang:
Just us it like this:
mpg123 -s something.mpg >something.cdr
The file format is not .wav, but in the format that may be burned directly by cdrecord if you
Where is the difference between plain .WAV format and what mpg123 writes as above? Want to know about technical data and background. Thanks! Olli -- *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤ =Oliver@home= *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤ I http://www.bmw-roadster.de/Friends/Olli/olli.html I I http://www.bmw-roadster.de/Friends/friends.html I I http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VGAP-93 I I http://home.t-online.de/home/spacecraft.portal I
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