On 2023-03-10 14:18, Per Jessen wrote:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2023-03-10 13:32, Per Jessen wrote:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
For example:
Well, try to look at it from the pov of xsane. xsane has been asked to "look" at your printer, but is unable as the model data is not available. For xsane, that is a problem, albeit not a serious one. Hence a warning.
Asked by whom? Not by me.
Who started up xsane?
I did not tell it to search for that printer.
a) you installed xsane b) you accepted the default config c) you started xsane.
I configured in YaST which is the scanner. No need to probe. And anyway, probing messagges are noise by definition, unless there is a "I can not probe at all", and this can be told to the user in the same dialog where I ask to open the scanner or probe for it. The messages about the progress of the probing are not to go into the warning log.
It seems to me that the nature of a warning is "be careful about this, otherwise something serious might happen".
Nothing serious about it. It is probing for scanners, HP makes scanners, but that one doesn't have a scanner.
If you're keen on only "serious" things being written to /var/log/warn, see my patch.
What, remove warning entries from the warning log? Not going to happen. The syslog definition is correct, the problem is the programs defining their debug messages as warnings.
I honestly don't know that there is much "of course" about monitoring /var/log/warn. I certain never have - removing it is one of the first customisations we do to any newly installed system.
You remove the file?
We remove the logging to it, yes. Nobody ever looks at it. I think it is an ancient relic from early UNIX days. The syslog config has a lot of old crud - for instance:
/var/log/mail.info/err/notice /var/log/news/news.crit/err/notice.
I use both.
IMO, they are debug messages. Not important enough to be there. They would be fine in the /var/log/messages. Those softwares run perfectly fine despite the logs. Only something that crashes should go to warn.
To each his own. Anyway, instead of ranting, why don't you put on your admin hat and go reconfigure your syslog not to log warn messages to /var/log/warn ?
Attached is a patch.
I do want warnings. *True* warnings, not noise.
Noise is in the eyes (well, ears) of the beholder.
Yes. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.4 x86_64 at Telcontar)