On Sunday 30 May 2004 07:25, John Andersen wrote:
On Saturday 29 May 2004 22:01, peter Nikolic wrote:
Well i am glad to see i am not the only one with GNOME 2.6 hassels i installed it and it has totally creamed a lot of stuff the biggest pain it has clobbered grip which i use a lot so many libs not there and dont want to compile i am going to have to can Gnome and start again i think ,, Anyone know any better way ..?..
How did you install it such that it "creamed" a bunch of stuff, with so manh libs not there?
Did you do this with rpm or what? This sounds like the trouble I find myself in when I force an install regardless of dependencies... been there too many times.
-- _____________________________________ John Andersen yes we you tell me ,,
I think i have gotten back to something sane now at least i got the few bits of Gnome i use going again , i absolutely hate having to download ever increasing numbers of libs all the time to find that what i am trying to do still dont doo like Gramps i would like to get that to behave no chance and Gspeaker no chance always loads of libs not there even if i have done an complete install and i do mean COMPLETE cus i go thru and make shure still Iĺl stick with KDE now cus at leats that behaves itself . Cheers Pete . -- G6NJR Pete otherwise known as "Quinton 11" A Linux Only area Happy bug hunting M$ clan Pete,,,,, :-)