On 5/23/05, Glenn Pedersen <glenn.ped@internode.on.net> wrote:
Im trying to get Dvdrip working under Suse 9.3 but to no avail. It hangs when ripping the dvd.
It makes no matter what dvd I try it always hangs the machine. I thought it may have had something to do with hal "the auto mounter thingy" so I stopped it by typing "rchal stop" and then try to rip the dvd.
When i have hal disabled it rips further that with it enabled but still hangs at about 20% or so. With hal enabled it only get to about 10% or so.
Btw I believe libdvdread is used to rip the dvd and the ver i have installed is libdvdread-0.9.4-2.pm.1
I have tried using vobcopy to rip but it hangs as well. :(
Has anyone got dvdrip to work successfully under 9.3
btw using the same hardware and 9.2 I had no problems at all.
Cheers, Glenn
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Have you tried to umount manually? Cheers Sunny