On 4/22/23 05:00, bent fender wrote:
*Some* of the issues are surely only beta issues but I sure hope that the desktop is not one of those! There seems to be a relentless push for smartphone/desktop commonality.
That's the beauty. KDE3 still looks like a real desktop. Unmatched human-factors incorporating smart keyboard-shortcuts to minimize the repositioning of the hand grabbing for a mouse, real screen real-estate maximization with sane spacings for lines, icons, etc.. I've even got dark themes working swimmingly, e.g. https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/260123a27a97 (good for 2-weeks) (focused window title is gold - not shown due to mouse over kicker so it is shown in screenshot) I've tried every desktop from blackbox to wmII (including weird ones like sawfish, etc...) and for shear raw efficiency, usability, and just brilliant integrated suite of apps design, nothing beats KDE3. The tight integration surrounding a single toolkit is what was lost when ports to Qt4 begin (we all remember openSUSE 11.0 with KDE 4.04.a, and the problems has continued though plasma. It's a lesson all desktop developers end up learning the hard way. You can't port yourself to a better integrated desktop -- it's something that has to be built from the ground up. (and as Gnome has learned, you can't bastardize the toolkit your built on and hope to build back better, and you can't break themes with every minor version release of the toolkit and not lose theme developers - until what you put out looks like vanilla milk-toast for a smart phone with icon spacing you can't control.... My $0.02) -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.