I am very sure this is a stupid question, the real question is why these days google are not so efficient as I expect. I installed OpenSUSE and the first surprise is there is no JRE. Seems there is a script to manipulate Gnu Java Compiler to make it work like a JRE but obviously it doesn't work, jedit simply complain and dead there. I guess I need a more 'traditional' JRE. IBM JRE comes to my mind first because it is smaller to download. After grabbed the 50MB rpm from IBM (registered myself too, I don't hate registration that much) it simply cannot install with a simple message 'package transaction failed' (said yast). I thought that might mean some conflict so I removed Gnu Java Complier by using yast and ignored a lot of real conflicts (e.g. OpenOffice depend on Gnu Java Compiler), and try install ibm jdk again, still same error message. And I try install it in command line, hoping to get more error message # rpm -i ibm-java2-i386-sdk-5.0-1.0.i386.rpm And I was told: package ibm-java2-i386-sdk-5.0-1.0.i386.rpm already installed Ah, yes, and now I found it in /opt/ibm/java2-i386-5.0 Now what? How can I make jedit run? Directly run 'jedit' gets message 'failed to set JAVACMD' I thought perhaps all I need to do is to add /opt/ibm/java2-i386-50/jre/bin to $PATH but after I did that, jedit complains: Cannot find java class: error: (It's true that there are no class name after the colon and no error message after second colon) How do I go on? Then I thought perhaps IBM JDK is not good enough and I spent a lot of time to get the Sun JDK installer and installed it (by executing the downloaded .bin file) and included /opt/SUNWappserver/jdk/jre/bin in $PATH and then, jedit complains: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: error: How do I go on? I am thinking whether or not installing OpenSUSE (rather then Novell SUSE) is a big mistake to me. I am very busy and keeps a lot of things to do on my list and I am not a typical developer / administrator who think it is fun to configure and debug a system (that's why I choose SUSE). If generally OpenSUSE is going to left me further stuff to debug and configure then I probably need to re-install Novell SUSE. Sincerely waiting for your advice (my daily work involve mostly only desktop applications, OOO, no server use, a little development). -- Zhang Weiwu Real Softservice International business: http://www.realss.com International sales: 0086 10 84606011 Inland business: http://www.realss.cn Inland sales call: 0086 592 2099987 Sent from Pine: http://www.washington.edu/pine/