On Tuesday 27 December 2005 6:06 am, Mike McMullin wrote:
It used to Mike, but reportedly there's more Linux on the desktop now than there are MACs, so it doesn't "wash" anymore.
I'm not arguing Mac numbers, they're less relevant. It takes resources to program for a platform, and to debug it. When you add a platform you require more developers and tech support. It's a wrong headed argument in my opinion, but waiting till there's critical mass for an OS that's proven stable in business is shooting oneself in the foot. I suppose they're waiting till the sort of folk who need training wheels on their boxes are willing to go over to Linux.
Maybe that's it. I think it's a lazy way out of not doing what they know they WILL have to do eventually. Meanwhile, MickySoft continues to beat the drum that Linux won't ever have any real presence on the desktop. Fred -- Paid purchaser of ALL SuSE Linux releases since 6.x