On Sunday 07 September 2003 07:37 am, H du Plooy wrote:
Hi all,
I have a Radeon 7500 AGP card with SuSE 8.2 Pro, stock k_athlon kernel. It worked a charm when I installed, hardware 3D and everything. Today, for the first time in more than a month, I wanted to play a quick round of Tuxracer - slow as a dog.
Somewhere along the line something broke, I suspect with a YOU update. I tried all the regular fixes, everything mentioned in the archives - sax2, switch2xf86_glx, updated to XFree86-server-4.3.0-63 with YOU, compiled a new vanilla kernel, ect. all to no avail.
XFree logs tells me DRI is disabled because DRIscreeninit failed. Any ideas why?
Here is the relevant sections from the logs, plus some output from 3Ddiag and glxinfo: [...] Thanks Hans ==============
Hans, When this happened to me, I traced it down to a kernel update, using one of Mantel's 2.4.21 kernels. Up until this last one, the 2.4.21-64, 3D had a problem due to a bug in the 2.4.21 kernel, I believe, but the SuSE kernel 2.4.20-100 worked fine. Try to do a little detective work and go back to the last time that it worked. See what you have installed since then. I haven't found any of the YOU updates or KDE updates as causing any such problems. From your logs, it appears to me to be the same bug as direct rendering is off. That's how I found it at least, but reading /var/log/messages back to the last time it worked then checking the dates of files for what was installed about that same time. Pat -- --- KMail v1.5.3-3 --- SuSE Linux Pro v8.2 --- Registered Linux User #225206 On any other day, that might seem strange...