* Johnathan Bailes (johnathan.bailes@esi.baesystems.com) [021101 04:21]: -> ->The failure of OS/2 which I worked on for a time as well was due first ->to bad marketing and a failure to produce applications in native format ->at all. IBM's Office suite was about the only commercial native app I ->even remember. The ad campaign gave no clue about what Warp could ->really do and why anyone should buy it. I swear sometimes the best way ->to make a software project fail is to give to IBM. Lotus Notes and its ->success is the only example I can think of where IBM from a business ->sense got it right in terms of placing the product to corporate ->america. Plus, at that time, people in corporate IT were still more ->afraid of IBM than they were MS. Don't forget one of the biggest reasons for OS/2 failure. Microsoft strongarmed them into not supporting and not advertizing OS/2 and Lotus for one year after Windows 95/Office 95 was released. If they didn't do this then they would be raped on the cost for these pieces of software. There were a great many commerical applications for OS/2 but they just didn't get much limelight. The only reason Microsoft put out Windows 3.1.1 was to break compatiblity with Win-OS/2. :) The above was read into evidence at the 1998 Anti-Trust trial. So I would say that the 800lb guerilla twisted the arm of the 400lb guerilla. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I tell you what you should see.