On 2017-10-09 21:49, Dave Smith wrote: ...
I cannot connect to the router using either dhcp or setting a static ip nor does the router see the 42.3 machine when using a static ip. Using a static ip the 42.3 machine cannot get to the router or internet nor ping the router or any device connected to the router. Truthfully, I was surprised that wireshark was able to receive packets from the network. I use for the nas and for the printer. I used for the 42.3 machine and set the default gateway and nameserver to Yast was used for all of the configurations I have done thus far.
Ok, then open two terminals as root. In one, run "journalctl --follow" and let it there. In another, try "rcnetwork restart", then "ifconfig" and report back all the text that you get on both terminals. You can pipe all that to a file in order to send from another computer: whatever command | tee -a somefile.txt -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 42.2 x86_64 "Malachite" (Minas Tirith))