Hi everyone Fisrt of all I wan't to which every one who might be concerned : MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Sorry to the others ! And to EVERYONE (except chinese maybe !) HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Now start the question : The lab has bought a DELL PowerEdge SC420 server which include 2 SATA 160 Go HD... on an Adaptec RAID controller. I don't know yet exactly which Adaptec controller it is but what's sure IS : Both HD are not recognised during installation (Suse pro 9.1 DVD, 32 bit) If i disable the RAID in the BIOS... install perform OK (at least until now, YOU security update is on process) Is there a way to be able to use RAID on this computer without buying another RAID controller ? Is there a special driver I should download and use during install instead of the standards one ? Is SuSE 9.2 correcting the problem ? I would be grateful for any help or advice...this is my first RAID configuration (and my firsts SATA disks !!). Mirroring is most wanted in this situation, since the server will be a data server for all the department. Thanks to everyone Matthias __________________________________ Matthias Titeux, PhD INSERM U563 - CPTP Departement de Genetique fonctionnelle des maladies des epitheliums Batiment Lefebvre - 2eme etage CHU Purpan Avenue de Grande Bretagne 31059 Toulouse Cedex 03 FRANCE --------------- Tel: 33 (5) 62 74 45 03 _________________________________