26 Jun
26 Jun
I filed a bug report. Don't know what else to do. On 6/26/24 10:56, Curtis J Blank wrote:
Thanks. I see that now. But what is the fix for this then to get amavisd running?
On 6/25/24 23:45, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
On 26.06.2024 00:46, Curtis J Blank wrote:
Here's the PATH and each of directories in the PATH's permissions. I wonder if it choking on the permissions of the links?
No. It is not about the content of the $PATH, but about the fact that it is imported from the external environment.
bor@tw:~> PATH=/usr/bin perl -Te 'use Net::Domain; $foo = `domainname`' Insecure $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at -e line 1. bor@tw:~> perl -Te 'use Net::Domain; $ENV{PATH}="/usr/bin"; $foo = `domainname`' bor@tw:~>