Ooooookay...if I were in Windows I would pretty much know what you were talking about (well, mostly). However, I'm still very much a newbie when it comes to Linux networking (i.e. what is the "/24"?;
That means in this example that the 192.168.1 part is the network address and the last number (21) is the machine address on that network. /16 would mean 192.168 was the network address and the last two numbers (1.21) is the machine address on that network.
setting the default route [where is this done?]; DNS resolver [what is that?], etc.).
Use yast
I guess I need to read the SuSE Admin manual more thoroughly instead of glancing over it. I would like to eventually setup remote admin (from my computer), Samba, etc. Networking has never been my forte; I suppose since I'm going to be doing a LOT more in Linux then I need to change that.
True enough. Use YAST to configure your network card for DHCP if it's available from your router and until you've read the manual :o) Damian