On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 11:11:53 +0000, David Chapman <linux-lists@ntlworld.com> wrote:
I have been trying to get my DLT working to run a backup. But Kdat would not recognise it. After searching the mailing list I found a referance to mt_st which I installed but after running $ stint I get this "Can't find the tape characteristics database"
Any help please Dave
I don't remember if earlier SUSE releases came with a basic database or not. With, 9.2 it does not seem to be included. You need to create /etc/stinit.conf. A simple valid file is: ---- {buffer-writes read-ahead async-writes} manufacturer=EXABYTE model = EXB-8500SMBANXH1 { can-bsr mode1 blocksize= 245760 } ---- The key thing is the manufacturer and model. Those should be in you dmesg output. I forgotten if they appear during a normal boot, or only after you try to do a stinit. Once you have the basics working you can look for a better stinit.conf entry for your tape drive. I would guess most DLT drives use a similar stinit.conf entry, but I don't use DLT currently. Greg -- Greg Freemyer