On Sunday 24 Jul 2005 19:23, Donald D Henson wrote:
(SuSE Linux 9.3 Pro)
I'm trying to set up a Linux-only network to use the Network File System (NFS). The description of NFS sounds like just what I need but I'm having problems trying to set up an NFS server.
I've seen the note in the SuSE admin manual stating that I need to have a DNS so I decided to try to set that up first.
You don't need a DNS unless you are using hostnames to specify exports. I only have local name resolution by /etc/hosts and it works fine.
YaST says I need something called a "forwarder". My first problem. I have no idea what a forwarder is and referencing the SuSE admin manual was no help. Can someone explain to me what a "forwarder" is?
A DNS forwarder simply passes the DNS requests out to an external DNS server.
Some other questions. I assume that DNS requires static IP addresses. Is that true?
No, the dhcp server can be configured to update the DNS records, but it's probably too much hard work for a small network.
If so, how can I reconcile that with DHCP?
You can tell dhcp to always assign the same IP to a specific MAC which effectively means each client always has the same address.
If not, how do I tell DNS that I'm using DHCP? In short...
I am completely lost in the terminology and processes needed to set up NFS. Can someone point me to a starting point and give me a few pointers on how to proceed. I will sincerely appreciate any assistance.
Keep it simple first. export a single directory to your whole network (specified by subnet IP address) and try to mount it from a client. For example, I have (approximately): in /etc/exports on the server (gandalf): /srv/nfs/data,root_squash,no_all_squash,sync) and in /etc/fstab on the clients: gandalf:/srv/nfs/data /media/server/data nfs defaults 0 0 which mounts the remote fs when the client boots. HTH Dylan -- "The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out." (Chinese Proverb)