On 31.07.2021 22:22, Carlos E. R. wrote:
El 2021-07-31 a las 21:40 +0300, Andrei Borzenkov escribió:
On 31.07.2021 21:03, Carlos E. R. wrote:
El 2021-07-31 a las 20:41 +0300, Andrei Borzenkov escribió:
I have Trouble with the touchpad while I type, almost since ever, currently with XFCE in Leap 15.2. The touchpad activates randomly, apparently touched by my hand and destroys what I typed.
I have in settings "Disable touch pad while typing" set to 2 seconds. Type "SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad". Edge scrolling. This is supposed to impede the trouble I have, but it does not.
What Xorg driver are you using for touchpad?
So, it would be "/usr/lib64/xorg/modules/input/synaptics_drv.so", right?
Do you have syndaemon running? With which options?
Apparently, I have:
minas-tirith:~ # ps afxu USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND ... cer 16824 0.0 0.0 20300 156 ? S 19:02 0:00 syndaemon -i 1.0 -K -R minas-tirith:~ #
As far as I know, syndaemon only disables handling of touchpad itself (touching, scrolling, tap-to-click etc). It does not disable physical buttons if they are present. It is the same with libinput driver which I use. I have the same issue with libinput as well. I am not sure what is causing it. When I try to deliberately touch or move or tap when typing it works as expected - touchpad is ignored. But when I forget about it I get sudden mouse cursor jump. My current guess is when I press on laptop cover it is apparently interpreted as button press (may be loose contact, this notebook is over 5 years old). And because button presses are processed cursor moves. It is also possible that I press on touchstick buttons (I disabled stick itself because it interfered with typing, but I find middle button useful so I left buttons). May be I should try to disable both left and right buttons if I find how to do it in Wayland :)
No idea what starts it. :-?
It should have been started by your desktop settings, but you said you set it for 2 second and here timeout is 1 second so it does not match.