I know this properly belongs on the SAMBA list, but I thought I'd post it here first...I'm on enough lists as it is... Anyway, I just tried moving our ACT database over to the Linux box, and everything worked fine for about an hour or so, then I started getting reports of 'A Fatal Error has occurred', which went away, then people were missing their Calendar stuff (after the same error), and finally, it crashed on a couple of people, and when they tried to get back into the database, ACT said that the indexes were corrupted. I rebuilt the indexes, and it did it again about half an hour later, so I finally had to move the database back to the NT server :( Anyone have any idea whats going on here? I read somewhere that the older versions of SAMBA required Netbeui on the clients, but I assumed (oops) that since it APPEAREd to work (they saw the share, connected fine, and were able to open/work with files) that it was no longer necessary - am I wrong? Thanks for any help/suggestions Charles Marcus